Uliveto, Sparkling Water

Uliveto, Sparkling Water

For nearly two centuries Uliveto mineral water has been well known in Italy for its’ digestive properties. Uliveto’s rich natural blend of minerals and natural effervescence assist the body’s digestive processes, making this water the ideal accompaniment to good food.

Uliveto’s special blend of minerals is considered to be ideal for those undertaking sporting activity, as it is the perfect replacement for mineral salts lost through perspiration, and is easily digested and absorbed by the body. For this reason Uliveto has been chosen as official water supplier by many prestigious sports organisations, including the Italian Soccer Federation and the Italian Olympic Committee.

Categorii: , Product ID: 1055



Stabilita la Roma in 1984, compania de distributie COMPAGNIA GENERALE DI DISTRIBUTIONE (COGEDI) are in proprietate brandurile Uliveto, Rocchetta, Brio Blu Rocchetta si Elisir di Rocchetta, brand-uri de varf pe piata italiana, care au inceput sa castige notorietate si pe piata europeana


Izvor natural situat in Umbria, in “inima verde” a Italiei


Compozitie naturala unica de minerale (incluzand bicarbonat de calciu, magneziu, potasiu)


ULIVETO este o apa minerala naturala carbogazoasa care ajuta procesul de digestie

Cand beti ULIVETO inainte, in timpul sau dupa un efort fizic, va va ajuta sa inlocuiti rapid lichidele si mineralele pierdute prin transpiratie si astfel va pastreaza corpul activ si in forma

Gratie amestecului unic, natural de minerale (incluzand sodiu, clor, calciu) si proprietatilor sale digestive, Uliveto inlocuieste rapid lichidele pierdute prin transpiratie


PET 1,5 L ; Recipient sticla 1 L; PET 0,50 L

Uliveto contains a rich natural blend of minerals which are vital to health and well being:

Bicarbonates: aid digestion, help neutralise acidity, useful in the prevention of renal
stones and dental plaque

Sodium: essential for maintaining body’s proper water distribution and blood pressure, regulates fluids and acid based balance in the body, involved

in nerve transmission and muscle contraction.

Calcium: vital nutrient for strengthening bones and teeth, aids muscle contraction and blood clotting, helps lower blood pressure, vitally important for growing children

Magnesium: helps body’s absorption of calcium, maintains healthy blood pressure levels, useful in prevention
of heart disease

Potassium: helps regulate blood pressure and heart function, critical to nerve functioning, regulates water balance, assists recuperative powers.